In November 2023, Verónica Cerrotta and Anne-F Jacques met in Valparaíso, Chile, to participate in an artistic residency within the framework of the Tsonami Festival, which culminated in a series of actions, including an urban radio broadcast, an exhibition, an informal radio interview and a concert by each of the two artists. With the exception of the individual concerts, the other activities were carried out by a.hop, a band, collective, group, made up of 9 people from different parts of the world. Anne and Verónica were the only two, on this occasion, who met in person.
From Valparaíso, a series of correspondence began between the members of a.hop, to build a collectively imagined place. From walks in the city, fragments of sounds, images and incomplete descriptions of the city were collected and sent to the others. The members who were at a distance generated sounds of Valparaíso through speculative responses to the material received and wrote scores to perform in that impossible place.
These scores were performed in Valparaíso.
This album brings together, in collage form, a bit of all the material generated during this exchange. It also includes fragments of field recordings made by each of the members of a.hop in their cities of residence. These recordings were initially to form part of a radio program called “9 mañanas” (9 mornings), which has not yet been broadcast.
released February 13, 2025
a.hop es / a.hop is:
Lynette Quek
Bonnie Han Jones
Elizabeth Millar
Valentina Villaroel
Ryoko Akama
Liew Niyomkarn
Verónica Cerrotta
Anne-F Jacques
grabado en Valparaíso, Chile, noviembre 2023
partituras: Ryoko Akama & Elizabeth Millar
performancia y edición: Verónica Cerrotta & Anne-F Jacques
masterización: Liew Niyomkarn
gracias al Festival Tsonami